Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Fanny Pack: A tragic loss in fashion

I promised that this blog would be a random collection of the weird things that go on in my head. Little did I know that between the first 2 posts and this one, it would focus mainly on fashion and running. For those of you who know me well, those are 2 things I do not enjoy- we are all surprised, trust me.

Anyway, I need to discuss a very important topic. This is serious you guys.

The fanny pack.

I hate to break it to you, but anyone who thinks they can pull off a fanny pack without looking like a nerd- you're wrong. Fashion wise, we were all smart to move on.


However, in my new attempt to become a runner (1st attempt- pathetic. Can't wait for attempt #2!) I have found myself longing for the convenience of the fanny pack.

When I go running (that's inaccurate, when I go embarrass myself with my feeble jogging attempt and then hobble back home) there are a few things I like to bring with me:

  • iPod- I need my sweet jams. I mean, you can't go on a running attempt without "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO playing. It's just not the same.
  • Mobile Phone
    • it can be used as a watch
    •  I can pretend I'm talking to someone should I come across someone in real life that I don't want to talk to
    • I can call an ambulance if I start to have a heart attack because my body is anti-my running attempts
    • I can call the police if I'm attacked (I watch a lot of crime shows, what?)
  • Keys- I need to get into my car and home after the run so I can cry in peace.
  • Photo ID: Remember how I said I watch a lot of crime shows? Well what if I'm horrendously murdered whilst "running"? (let's face it, there's no way in hell I could actually run from an attacker at this point) I have always been taught to keep ID on you at all time so you can be identified. Morbid? Yes, but practical (and paranoid).
All I'm saying is, a fanny pack would be super convenient to carry all this crap around with me. Especially in the summer. Yoga pants don't have pockets, y'all. And I'm not wearing a sweater that has pockets in 80-degree weather. No thank you. I already admitted to being extra sweaty. Gross.

Oh, oh! WATER (yes, I just yelled that at you). I can clip my water bottle on the fanny pack, too! See! Convenient, practical and just terribly, terribly un-fashionable.

Basically, I feel like if we weren't all concerned with looking like nerds, more people would wear fanny packs and enjoy the convenience. Granted, I have done zero research on alternatives, but if it's good enough for Urkel, it's good enough for me.

As a tribute to the fanny pack, I will now share with you what I would call a love song to the fanny pack. In this video is my friend Abi's boyfriend and 2 friends. Chris, the main "artist" if you will, loves fanny packs. He has a collection and every time I've met him, he's worn one. This is how you truly respect an object! *stay tuned until the end for a special surprise!*



  1. The loss of the fanny pack is a true loss indeed. Tip: if you wear it backwards and under your clothes, nobody will notice it until after they've walked past you, and it will just appear to be a horrible growth underneath your clothes. Sadly, this is less embarrassing than them seeing that you are wearing a fanny pack.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I was expecting to just laugh at a funny video about fanny packs. Instead it ended up making me really question things, such as what I've done with my life so far, and the very nature of God.

  2. If you lose more than 40 percent of your blood, you will die. What do you thinks about how many pints of blood in the human body? Thanks.
